Friday, April 15, 2011

Fashion Friday! Sunnies.

If you know me, you know I absolutely LOVE sunglasses. They are right up there with shoes and handbags when it comes to the perfect accessory that ALWAYS fits.

Right now I am rocking some seriously hip Ralph Lauren aviator style sunnies, and I am OBSESSED with them. Here they are:

They are the perfect size for my petite face. I tried Ray Ban aviators but the small is too small, and the medium is too big. I am the Goldilocks of sunnies, I think.

When I am looking for a little more face coverage, or want a more chic, formal look I wear my Gucci glasses. Have had these for over a year and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Obsessed. How cute is the little bamboo horse-bit on the temple? Adorbs!

A new friend and fellow prepster blogger Maryland Pink and Green has me totally green (and pink!) with envy because she just picked up a replica of the famous Jackie O signature sunnies from the Kennedy Center Gift Shop. Arent they PERFECT!?

Was there ever anyone more chic than Jackie O? You can read more about her and her famous sunnies here.

If anyone has any awesomely gorgey sunnies that you think I should take a peek at (aka-- purchase!) please tell me about them! The collection can never be too big.

1 comment:

  1. I must have a fatter face because I look absolutely STUNNING in my orignal RayBans.

